What's the story behind some of your favorites?

My first ever game was Sword, and I took Scorbunny as my partner. I had NO IDEA what he was going to evolve into, and then he became some punk rabbit, then when he evolved into Cinderace, I instantly fell in love with him. I liked Pyro Ball, his cry, and just his general attitude is so great. He just kneels down and screams every time I won a gym battle. (Some of my friends call him a soccer bunny with wooly knickers. Took me forever to figure that out.)
My 3rd favorite, Chandelure, came to be sometime last year when I went to storage to get my old Litwick plush from years ago. The Litwick line grew on me and a couple months later my dad traded me a Chandelure in Pokémon GO and she became lucky. She’s now one of my strongest Pokémon and was my second ever best buddy. I called her "Chandeliera" when I got her. Chandelure's been one of my favorites since. I have a level 100 Chandelure in Pokémon Scarlet on my main team and I love her too ^^.
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I brought my ol' buddy Cinder into Pokémon Violet to be the mentor of the team I'm currently training
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Most of my favorites I have because they are cool, I tried bringing my first Pokemon team from Y into Sword/Shield but because of the National Dex limitations its now impossible to do so.
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My favorite is litten first off because litten is adorable 🥰🥰 and second off because my house has always had cats I have never not had a cat In my house