Forgotten Game: Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu and Let's Go Eevee
Mine was violet
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I should continue to play Let's Go Pikachu. I have a game I barely progressed in. That or I should check out my old game from years ago.
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I started this era with Shield, but I don't know what the first first game I played was.
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Mine was actually pokemon quest, but the first mainline game i played was violet. I loved the anime and cards my whole life though.
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Haven't played it due in large part not having a Switch but there are several things that likely will prevent me from playing it.
1) Their Wild Battle system is completely different from a mainline series game. Instead of battling Wild Pokemon, you have to catch them over and over like in Pokemon GO to gain XP outside of traditional Trainer battles. While the intent clearly was to boost numbers in that respective game, I find that to be a major turnoff. The Pokeball Plus is also a terrible controller that was purely a cash grab since they come with Mew and is the only way to get it(hence $50 for a Pokemon…).
2) Your starter cannot evolve like in Yellow version. While some may find that to be a unique feature, that is again another major turn-off despite the fact that I've owned Yellow version for over 25 years. The reason I find it to be a turn-off is because in Yellow version, your rival Blue(who is not your rival in Let's GO so consider that an honorable mention turn-off), evolves his Eevee but you're stuck with a pathetic Pikachu. While evolving Pikachu isn't necessarily a must-have option since it only has one Evolution(two if you include the Alolan form), Eevee is really hurt because it has up to eight(of which they restrict you to just three, another massive turn-off and again, you cannot evolve Eevee in Let's GO Eevee so you'd be stuck with a 335 Base Stat starter if they had not given you a "Partner" variant with boosted stats).
3) Restricted Pokedex. Kanto Dex has quite a few holes, hence I understand why they included Alolan or regional variants to fill in the gaps. The Kanto Dex literally has no Dark Types, hence why they included Alolan Ratatta, Meowth and Grimer(and evolutions) to yield you some Dark Type options. There's only one Ghost type option(hence Alolan Marrowak), one Dragon option(hence Alolan Exeggutor) and one Steel type option(hence Alolan Diglett/Dugtrio and Alolan Sandshrew/Sandslash). Fairy wasn't so bad with three options but they added Alolan Ninetales to bolster the roster. Ditto Electric with Alolan Geodude or Psychic with Alolan Raichu.
4) Johto Pokemon + Evolutions. They literally could have created a reverse Gold/Silver game where you start in Kanto and play Johto in the post-game while yielding several critical Evolutions to certain Kanto Pokémon that would have made the Elite 4 much, much harder. For example, instead of Onix for Bruno, he could have had a Steelix or two. Lance could have had a Kingdra instead of a pathetic Seadra.
5) Mega Evolution… if you have it, actually use it on the last few Gym Leaders or bare minimum E4 portion of the game. Sabrina would be dangerous if she had a Mega Alakazam. Ditto Blaine with a Mega Charizard Y and Giovanni could have used a Mega Mewtwo Y to be the ultimate Boss Gym Leader(keep in mind Mega Mewtwo can be completely walled by a Dark Type if not using a custom moveset. Same with Sabrina's Alakazam). Then those in the E4 should use it if the opportunity exists. Mega Gengar for Agatha would be scary, ditto Mega Aerodactly or Mega Gyarados for Lance. Lorelei would use Mega Slowbro and Bruno could use Mega Mewtwo X(making Bruno the hardest E4 member ever).
6) No Abilities. Pokémon Abilities have been around since Generation 3 but they remove them for this game? What the bleep? Some Pokemon are actually a threat due in large part to their ability. Certain Mega Evolutions actually benefit immensely, like Mega Kangaskahn but nope, can't have that.
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Hey, same! I played Let’s Go Eevee. It was my very first Pokemon game!
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Yeah my first was Y, with your first game being quest its also kinda late but yeah Violet is quite late.
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Yeah it was very odd that they went super purist with certain things but non-purist with some things. It was bogus.
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At least I played Black 2 for a while!
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It wasn't just bogus, it was a lost opportunity to not only remake Kanto again but also give Johto a Gen 6+ update. In doing so, they could have incorporated all evolutions for the Kanto and Johto Dex up to that point while making Johto a postgame excursion that would have given Gen 2 players a real challenge. Not just that but in addition to Red, Green(Blue in USA) and Blue(Green in USA), Gold and Silver could have made a post-game Trainer appearance with their own Manga teams.