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Worst Team/Villain



  • Lonestar85
    Lonestar85 Member Posts: 138 ✭✭
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    Aether Foundation sucked the most to me. Forget the fact they hired Team Skull to do their dirty work(hence couldn't do it themselves) but their employees were weak and loyal to a woman who deserved none of it.

    @TheJeffers Technically you don't have to fight Team Star if you don't want to but to finish the Area Zero plot, then yeah you have to fight them to get Penny(even though she had little to no role to play while down there).

    I'll add that I am kind of sick of the whole nice "evil" team. I miss Team Rocket quite a bit. Basically, an organization that exists to corrupt and exert control on the region it inhabits. That beats destroying the world so that it can be remade in their image mindset that Team Aqua/Magma, Galactic, Plasma and Flare had for 4 Generations. Then they went soft from Gen 7 onward and it would serve GF best if they'd just go back to that old Team Rocket formula. I don't miss Game Corners though… 9999 coins for Porygon… ugh…

    TURTLEEEEEE Member Posts: 522 ✭✭✭
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    Well, team yell probably, because they are the worst at being evil. They never do anything evil, just support Marnie and Piers and get in your way.

  • Handium
    Handium Member Posts: 13
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    Team Flare or Yell ngl

    Yell had the excuse of the Marco Cosmo kinda being in the evil team role with rose but ehhhh

    Aether Foundation's whole thing is that they show as a helpful pokemon haven so they couldn't just go out without risking the rep they have so team skull grunts were a great pawn, also, it's largely the upper employees that seem to be evil since they DO protect pokemon but Lusamine and Faba were plain evil

    You were considered an intruder during the whole sneaking into their base plot point so I wouldn't say that means the entire thing was evil because common employees were battling you

  • Eremas
    Eremas Member Posts: 1,556 ✭✭✭✭
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    Team Rocket

    I like that gen 9 got closer to a pokemon game with no evil team. Why does the evil team have to be relatable or rather have a boss that I would want to be like? Of all the teams Jesse and James are on team rocket. They do silly stuff I would want to do with my friends. I hate them for it. And Giovanni is the boss that is most stealthy and has influence. I want to be that edgy boss. But what I want most is I want a pokemon game that has no battling and I get to live peacefully with Pokemon.

  • MonstaDash
    MonstaDash Member Posts: 438 ✭✭✭
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  • TheCrazyChespin
    TheCrazyChespin Member Posts: 101 ✭✭
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    I want an evil team that starts evil, but helps the player towards the end of the game where the real evil mastermind is revealed. Maybe it’s not the whole team that helps the player, but like a reoccurring antagonist that the player has fought against countless times on their journey.

  • MonstaDash
    MonstaDash Member Posts: 438 ✭✭✭
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    Team Skull kinda does that when Rainbow Rocket appears.

  • TheCrazyChespin
    TheCrazyChespin Member Posts: 101 ✭✭
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    Really? I haven’t finished Ultra Moon yet, so I haven’t reached the Rainbow Rocket postgame events. That’s good to know, though!

  • Eremas
    Eremas Member Posts: 1,556 ✭✭✭✭
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    are you telling me to leave the series? I don't think anyone wants less fans in their games. Especially not a marginalized fan like me.

  • Voltareon2012
    Voltareon2012 Member Posts: 97 ✭✭✭
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    Uh, just gonna say… Team Yell kinda did that. They started out being annoying, then after Chairman Rose does the thing, they cheer you on in the background of a few of the battles.