Bug Report when playing Professor's Research with no cards left in the deck

On the final turn, I intended to discard all of my hand with Professor's Research, and then Max Geist for 440 damage for the kill and the win. However, I wasn't allowed to click Max Geist, though I was allowed to press the Retreat button. I tried that, but it didn't allow my Calyrex to retreat, instead freezing it in place as my turn timer expired and my opponent took their turn. As shown, my cards weren't discarded and Professor's Research was still in play, even though it was my opponent's turn and they had just knocked out my Calyrex for their own win.
Hi Trainer,
Thank you for sharing your feedback. I edited your post as posting images on the forum is not allowed. If you ever have images you'd like to share with support or the development team, I encourage you to open a ticket. To do so, you can click here: https://support.pokemon.com.
The game shouldn't even allow you to play professor's research without cards in your deck.