[Suggestion] Add a "card played log" panel in game

So, I am aware that the game has a LOT of issues and bugs and therefore, adding features is probably the last thing in the roadmap. But I still think adding quality of life changes could benefit the game greatly so here's one.
When playing the game, there are times where you are not 100% focused on what the opponent is doing. For example, if you're a streamer, you might need to interact with chat or check other things whilst you're playing the game. And by doing so, there are things that get missed during the game, such as which cards were picked from the deck, which cards the opponent has played, etc... I know you can always check the discard pile but you may miss important cards the opponent has added to their hand.
A way that other TCGs such as Shadowverse mitigate this is by adding a log of the cards played and the actions that have happened in the game. So when you miss something, you can just see the history of the game and act accordingly.
Not sure if the game already has this but I think it would be great addition.