Pokémon pocket trades

I am looking for two specific cards
I need a pikachu ex and elektross
Trainer ID: 5282108944345240
I am willing to trade the following cards in return for pikachu:
areodactyl ex
Wigglytuff ex
Zappos ex
Blastoise ex
moltres ex
Arcanine ex
exeggutor ex
I will trade the following cards for elektross:
Venusuar, butterfree, vileplume, victrebel, exeggutor, charizard, arcanine, moltres, blastoise, poliwrath, articuno, raichu, Jolteon, alakazam, gengar, kabutops, nidoqueen, nidoking, melmetal, snorlax,
I will trade you jolteon for elektross, just add my trainer ID
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i have mewtwo ex and blastoise ex and charizard ex
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i need exeggutor ex
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you online still man
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I don’t need those cards, I’m offering the cards that I listed for a pikachu ex
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i have a pikachu ex
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pulled it first try in game
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perfect, I’ll trade you the exeggutor ex
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in my old account that i lost