Possible Bug with Togekiss' Overdrive Smash

Member Posts: 1 ✭
I'm here to report what might be a bug with Togekiss' Overdrive Smash. The attack does 60 damage and then, on the next turn, that Togekiss' Overdrive Smash will do 120 damage. But, in a game I played earlier, my Togekiss that used Overdrive Smash on my previous turn got forced out of the Active Spot by Sabrina and then on my next turn, Overdrive Smash only did 60 damage. It seems as though the game "forgot" that my Togekiss attacked last turn when it got sent to the bench and thus didn't give it the damage boost it should've had. I say that this is only possibly a bug because I don't know if this is how Overdrive Smash and similar attacks work in regular TCG, since my experience only comes from Pocket.