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Bug Report - Brazilian-portuguese Translation of certain cards

Pichu40 Member Posts: 1

This is a bug report regarding incorrect details in the Brazilian-Portuguese version of certain cards from the latest sets that I came across during gameplay

  • Arbok (Genetic Apex)'s "Corner" attack is incorrectly translated as "Quina", meaning "the corner of a room", instead of "Encurralar", which means "to corner someone"
  • Geodude (Mythical Island)'s "Light Punch" attack is incorrectly translated as "Soco de Luz", meaning "a punch made out of light", instead of "Soco Leve", which means "a punch with little force put into it"
  • Golem (Genetic Apex)'s "Double-Edge" attack is incorrectly translated as "Faca de Dois Gumes", which translates literally to "a double edged knife" (even though he clearly does not carry a knife) instead of the more appropriate "Gume Duplo" or "Borda Dupla" as it was called before
  • Pidgey (Mythical Island), Ducklett (Genetic Apex) and Yanma (Spacetime Smackdown)'s "Flap" attacks are all incorrectly translated as "Asa", which literally means "Wing", instead of the action of flapping a wing, which should be "Bater de Asa"
  • Combee (Spacetime Smackdown)'s "Call for Family" ("Chamar a Famia") lacks a description in portuguese
