Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
does someone have moltres ex they could give me please??? I can give eggy ex, mew ex, pidgeot ex, charizard ex, celebi ex, machamp ex
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I have Aerodactyl (GA)if you would trade for a Muk(GA).
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Need Melmetal, butterfree , exeguttor (all 3 diamond apex)
can offer Charizard, blastoise, kangaskhan, serperior, volcarona (3 diamond)
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Hi, I'll trade blastoise EX for Yanmega EX
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If that trade does not work out, I have a Muk I will trade for Aerodactyl.
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All, I have an Aerodactyl ex or Wigglytuff ex I will trade for Articuno ex.
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Hello, I've been trying really hard to pull the Muk from the Mewtwo pack and I keep getting pidgeot, Gengar, Gengar EX, Dragonite and all the other cards in the same percent chance! I just want Muk so I can have my old school team rocket deck with Ekans/Arbok, Koffing/Wheezing and Grimer/Muk. I woulda bought it with points by now but I'm new and thought you could trade cards in for points and instead bought 4 Heatmor's... My freind code is 9245198630441558 I'm willing to trade anything but the dragonite for it because I only have the one of those.
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Dome deal whoever adds me first and trades ID: 9245-1986-3044-1558