@Vicflair I can do my Gengar EX for your Exeggutor EX
Friend ID#: 7453-8144-9821-1246
@WukongSage I can trade my Aerodactyl 4D for your Exeggutor EX
Looking for Articuno EX x2, regular is fine. I've got 2,700 cards let me know what you want :)
I need Mewtwo EX, i can give either Celebi, Exeggutor, Marowak, Mew or Aeredactyl EX for it
I have everything need muk
Hi I can trade u mewtwo ex for a Exeggutor Ex
Hello, I am looking for Mew 3 Diamond, I am willing to trade Jolteon 3 Diamond and Marshadow 3 Diamond.
My Friend ID: 9716-8263-8791-4835
i got a machamp yesterday and im out of trade points now sorry
i got a machamp yesterday sorry