Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
nice. I started the trade of mewtwo for arceus :)
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Looking for Genetic apex 3 star Blastoise, nidoking, and snorlax
I can trade for:
Genetic apex: venusaur, vileplume, exeggutor, charizard, flareon, lapras, vaporeon, omastar, articuno, greninja, jolteon, zapdos, alakazam, gengar, machamp, golem, kabutops, weezing, dragonite, ditto
Mythical Island: serperior, vaporeon, mew, golem, marshadow, tauros
Space time: Shaymin, darkrai
Friend ID 4148695795652664 (mason)
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Looking for spacetime smackdown electrive.
Let me know what 3 diamonds u are looking for.
Friend ID: 45325697432838620