Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
@Msrcy111111 I didn't see your friend request, but I just added you (Beric)! Good to trade Squirtle for Croagunk whenever you're ready.
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@Rebdragon123 Would you take my Moltres EX for a Gallade EX? My friend id is 9123951856599382 what's your friend id?
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@Essa92 Sorry Mate, just got Ditto.
Will trade Kangashkan for:
A1: 211 Snorlax
A2: 022 Shaymin
A2: 057 Electivire
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Looking for:
GA 040 Arcanine
GA 078 Gyarados
GA 082 Omastar
GA 175 Muk
Can offer:
GA 010 Beedrill
GA 013 Vileplume
GA 020 Victreebel
GA 046 Moltres
GA 079 Lapras
GA 083 Articuno
GA 098 Magneton
GA 122 Gengar
GA 168 Nidoqueen
GA 177 Weezing
MI 006 Serperior
MI 026 Raichu
MI 045 Golem
MI 047 Marshadow
STS 109 Darkrai
Friend ID: 6670-7395-7828-2380
Please comment and add me :)0 -
Aerodactyl (A1: 210) for Bastidon (A2: 114)? I've sent you a friend request.
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Apologies for the long post, but still missing quite a few! Looking for the following;
1 star - Zubat, Tangela (both Genetic Apex)
2 star - Graveler (Apex), Dusclops (Spacetime)
3 star (Apex) - Victreebel, Lapras, Vaporeon, Alakazam, Gengar, Hypno, Machamp, Kabutops, Dragonite, Pidgeot, Ditto
3 star (Spacetime) - Leafeon, Magmortar, Rhyperior
3 star (Triumphant) - Carnivine, Origin Forme Palkia, Raichu, Rotom
4 star - Arcanine Ex, Zapdos Ex (both Apex)
Not gonna make a massive list of everything I could trade back as it’ll cover most of the Pokédex, but 4 star I can do Mismagius, Articuno, Machamp, Infernape, Glaceon, or Probopass (all Ex of course).
1, 2 & 3 star, let me know what you need and if I have more than 1-2 of them then you’re good.0 -
@cljenkins11 I'll send you a Porygon for Glameow?