Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
I have toxicroak i want dawn, you have ?
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Looking For:
A1: 182 Melmetal
A1: 205 Ditto
A1: 210 Aerodactyl
A1: 211 Snorlax
A2: 022 Shaymin
A2: 057 Electivire
Can trade:
A2: 143 Regigas
A2: 129 Porygon Z
A2: 114 Bastiodon
A2: 078 Giratina
A2: 076 Mesprit
A1a: 060 Tauros
A1a: 047 Marshadow
A1a: 026 Raichu
A1a: 019 Vaporeon
A1a: 014 Volcarana
A1a: 006 Serperior
A1: 203 Kangashkan
A1: 145 Machamp
A1: 132 Gardevoir
A1: 122 Gengar
A1: 083 Articuno
A1: 035 Charizard
Friend ID:
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@Observer87 ok 3 diamond gyrados is good
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Looking for:
3 diamond Rampardos!! From space time
Reply with what you want for it and I'll see if I got something you need to make it work
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Hi, I'm looking for:
3 diamonds: Darkrai
Can offer: Vileplume, Moltres, Exeggutor (GA), Alakazam, Serperior, Volcarona, Vaporeon (MI), Golem (MI), Marshadow, Cresselia
Also looking for 2 diamonds: Dragonair, Luxio, LT. Surge, Piloswine
1 diamond: Exeggcute (GA), Geodude (GA), Kirlia (STS)
Can offer: List too long to post here, let me know what you want for the 1 and 2 diamonds.
Friend ID is 0283882004957938