Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
if anyone needs new ex I have plenty I will trade for aerodactl ex all though it also depends what you have to offer preferably aerodactl ex I really need that card
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Works for me
I can trade one star shinx for a shaymin
I don’t have any spare of dawn and there isn’t any card named green. If you meant blue, I have a few spare
ID : 9550 6168 0609 6822
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Looking for :
Genetic apex :
- Greninja ◆◆◆ X2
- Bellsprout ◆
- Rhydon ◆◆
- Lickitung ◆◆
- Porygon ◆◆
- Blastoise ex
Space time smackdown :
- Full art lucario
- full art shaymin
- Rampardos ◆◆◆
- Spiritomb ◆◆
Can trade :
- Almost all the ◆ and ◆◆ of each edition
- ◆◆◆ : beedrill / arcanine / gyarados /omastar / jolteon / alakazam / hypno / machamp / golem (GA) / kabutops / nidoqueen / ditto / volcarona / raichu (MI) / golem (MI) / marshadow / torterra / leafeon / magmortar / mamoswine / glaceon / magnezone (space-time) / rhyperior / lucario / darkrai / porygon-z / regigigas
- Celebi ex / Mew ex / Glaceon ex / darkrai ex / weavile ex / mismagius ex /starmie ex
Full art
: nidoqueen / serperior / electrode / meowth / snorlaxx / dedenne / shinx / hippopotas / staraptor
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I can give you Lickitung and Spiritomb. Here’s what I need
Friend ID: 1547931984419662 (Steve)Looking for English ♦♦ (Priority Order):
- Cranidos (Space-Time Smackdown)
- Elektrik (Genetic Apex)
- Toxicroak (Space-Time Smackdown)
- Toxicroak (Space-Time Smackdown)
- Dusclops (Space-Time Smackdown)
- Luxio (Space-Time Smackdown)
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Looking for:
Genetic Apex:
Weepinbell, Omastar, Golem, Nidoking, MelmetalSpace-Time Smackdown:
Regice, Empoleon, Luxio, Luxray, Mismagius EX, Cresselia, Lucario, Gallade EX, Lopunny, Giant CapeTriumphant Light:
Carnivine, Leafeon EX, Raichu, Rotom, Shaymin, Arceus EX, IridaI have heaps of cards to trade 😁
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Looking for Snorlax(Genetic Apex) let me know what you need I might have it
ID: 5111052242249355
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Looking for Pidgeot Ex!
Can trade any of the following:
Darkrai ex
Weavile ex
Pachirisu ex
Infernape ex
Yanmega ex
Marowak ex
Gengar ex
Arcanine ex
Charizard ex
Exeggutor ex
Friend Id: 4776781853847645
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Hey bud, got the snorlax, Iooking for these ∆∆∆:
Torterra ∆∆∆
Empoleon ∆∆∆
Glaceon ∆∆∆
Rampardos ∆∆∆
ID: 8197621161350569
Add me if you have any of those (;
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LF Charizard moltres greninja zapdos gengar nidoqueen vaporeon zapdos mewtwo weezing dragonite golem leafeon(sts) golem bastidon heatan
FT 3◇◇◇ regigigas flareon nidoking snorlax marshadow lapras omastar magneton kabutops pidgeot ditto areodactyl seperior
LF 2◇◇
tenacruel dragonair piloswine
Have dups of all but 19 of the 566 ◇◇
just ask