Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
Have a bunch of 1 star illustrated cards to trade: Bulbasaur, Diglett, Eevee, Electrode, Marshadow, Salandit, Squirtle, Serperior, Weezing.
Looking for: Charmander, Cubone, Meowth, Nidoking, Porygon, Rapidash, Slowpoke, Snorlax.
Trainer ID is 7277-7995-9469-0313
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I need 1x Vaporeon with the washout ability
My ID: 1830-7432-5183-6359
Please let me know what you need
I can offer:
Venusaur, butterfree, victreebel, exeggutor, blastoise, lapras, vaporeon (regular), omastar, Gengar, Mewtoo, Muk, snorlax, Volcarona, MArshadow, Magmortar, Megnezone, Togekiss, Charizard Ex, venusaur ex, tauros, aerodactyl, kangaskhan and many more
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I ALSO need Weezing 1-star please!
Can offer: bulbasaur, charmander, squirtle, pinsir, lapras, dragonite, electrode, ditto, vaporeon, slowpoke, serperior, gloom, dedenne, meowth, exeggutor, marshadow, snorlax, pidgeot, and diglet (ALL 1 Stars)
Trainer ID: 1627-6755-9368-9941
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Hey! Your Diglett for my Cubone? I just invited you: VicJunquera.
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Trade for 1-star weezing if you have it!
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trainer ID: