Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
i think the posts are not coming in this thread immediately, there is delay in posts, so i see my posts coming after 1-2 hours sometimes, i am not sure if its only with me.
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Trade List:
2♦️- Weepinbell (Genetic Apex), Erika, Cynthia
3♦️- Victreebel (Genetic Apex), Magneton (Genetic Apex)
1 ⭐️- Weezing (Genetic)
3♦️- Moltres, Gardevoir, Golem, Magnezone (Space-time), Togekiss x2, Giratina, Bastiodon x2, Garchomp (Space-time), Porygon-Z x2, Regigias x2
1 ⭐️- Squirtle, Mamoswine, Staraptor, Glameow0 -
I have several of the 2<> cards you are looking for. I can trade which ever you want for a charmeleon.