Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
I need:
⧫⧫⧫ Vaporeon, Golem, Torterra (STS), Leafeon (STS), Mamoswine (STS), Empoleon (STS), Glaceon (STS), Rampardos (STS), Lucario (STS), Bastiodon (STS), Porygon-Z (STS)
⧫⧫⧫⧫ Infernape ex (STS), Palkia ex (STS), Dialga ex (STS)
★ Alakazam, Slowpoke, Nidoking, Weezing, Tangrowth (STS), Combee (STS), Carnivine (STS), Mamoswine (STS), Gastrodon (STS), Rotom (STS), Drifloon (STS), Cresselia (STS), Rhyperior (STS), Lucario (STS), Hippopotas (STS), Spiritomb (STS), Croagunk (STS), Garchomp (STS), Staraptor (STS), Glameow (STS), Regigigas (STS)I have:
⧫⧫⧫ Charizard, Articuno, Gengar, Mewtwo, Gardevoir, Kangaskhan, Ditto, Aerodactyl, Volcarona, Vaporeon (MI), Raichu (MI), Mew (MI), Tauros (MI), Magnezone (STS)
⧫⧫⧫⧫ Starmie ex, Articuno ex, Zapdos ex, Pidgeot ex (MI)
★ Diglett, Dragonite, MeowthMy ID: 7389701295343098
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@Kripamon super sorry! I forgot to mention that MaChamp Ex would be better ^^
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#230 Gold Star Charmander and #239 Gold Star Cubone
I have the gold star ranks of: Gloom, Pinsir, Squirtle, Meowth, Ditto, Eevee, Porygon, Alakazam, Snorlax, Serperior, Salandit, Dedenne, and DrifloonIt looks like we can trade our 1 and 2 copies of cards so I do have others I can offer!
Trainer ID: 8292528544186482