Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
Hey! I have an extra bellsprout to give you! I only need one stars from space time smack down bc it’s new lol. If you have a Eelektross or magnetron for the victreebell that’ll be nice! If not just give me a random three diamond.
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Hello! This is what I need
From mythical islands I need a pidgeot Ex
From genetic apex I need a charizard Ex, gengar Ex,
What I can trade are- , Wigglytuff Ex, Machamp Ex, Arcanine Ex, zapdos Ex, and Mewtwo Ex
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I am willing to give gyarados ex for either a venusaur ex / executor ex
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I can give Gyrados EX in exchange for a Venusaur EX or a Executor EX
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I'll offer my arcanine if you still have the pidgeot!
ID: 2325308329577635
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Hey! I have a gengar, venusaur, blastoise, melmetal, or dragonite (your pick) for your Eelektross
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Hey! I have a gyarados Ex for your genger Ex!just message me and I’ll give you my friend code!