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“Hot” Take on trading

As a relatively disinterested party in the trading debacle as:
A. I have not accepted any friend requests, this cant trade,
B. Had no intention of interacting with the trade system anyway cause i had a bad feeling about it to begin with,

I figured id give my two cents on the matter.

Ive seen a lot of people complain about the burning cards aspect and… yeah, its rough, i burned literally ALL of my burnable cards and… i can just barely make a 1crown trade… many 3 stars, a couple EX, and a few full arts… all burned. I have 650 tokens or chips or whatever this currency is. thats pretty bad. Even if you could burn 2diamonds that would be better. Ideally you can burn cards of all rarity, because what am i gonna do with 34 wooloos… but whatever, my heard of sheep persists.

Id suppose the “Hot Take” here is that I'm not actually bothered by needing to burn cards for this currency, id just like to be able to burn all 1 and 2 diamond cards… im more bothered by the.. what? 13th currency now present in this game? I have well over 45k shine dust, and absolutely no use for it, and im sure 45k is low compared to others. This could have been a good use for all that dust collecting…well… dust… but instead we now have two currencies introduced just for trading… not every feature needs a currency or two in order to interact with it.