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Who is this trading system even for?

Currently, the trading mechanics seem skewed in a way that benefits neither the whales, who have ample resources, nor the free-to-play players, who are resource limited. The reasons for which have been discussed a million times over in this forum so I won't go into them.

From my own experience as someone who has invested in the game, I feel that the current system where trading extra cards only yields trade tokens OR flair is somewhat demotivating and here's how I think it could be improved:

Duel Rewards: If trading extra cards could earn us both flair AND trade tokens, it would not only increase the perceived value of trading, but also enhance player satisfaction. Flair adds personalization where tokens keep the trade economy flowing.

I completed one trade this morning, but under the current system, I see little motivation to continue. Enhancing the rewards would make me more likely to participate in future trading.

Thank you for considering my feed back!



  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,660 ✭✭✭✭✭
    500 Agrees 1000 Comments 50 Answers 250 Likes

    The Pokémon Company and the developers. It's for them. Certainly not for customers.

    If you can aquire cards easily and efficiently through trading, you won't buy as many packs.

    So it has to be hamstrung and sabotaged to the point of uselessness.

  • Oralet
    Oralet Member Posts: 4
    5 Agrees First Comment

    yeah but people won't spend as much anymore. For example I was gonna spend 50 or so for the new set but after being scammed by DeNo about trading, no way I'd spend any money on this game anymore. I'm sure there are a lot of users like me. They will lose the revenue if they treat treat their users this way.

  • Dr4zhar
    Dr4zhar Member Posts: 30
    10 Comments Name Dropper

    Nobody. It's just to be able to claim they've introduced a trading system. They don't actually want you to use it, because you would be able to just trade for the few cards you're missing instead of frustratingly buy packs to find them (just to most likely not even find them).

  • Heliosanctus
    Heliosanctus Member Posts: 15
    10 Comments Name Dropper 5 Agrees

    It's so they can say they kept their promise on including trading, but really giving us a broken crafting system that is inaccessible or valueless to the majority of the player base.