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Trading System is extremely predatory

The new trading system is beyond predatory even when compared with other digital Collectible Card Games on the market. Even Hearthstone which already has history on being extremely unfriendly towards F2P players allows players to craft individual cards at their choice for 4 duplicate cards of the same rarity. PTCGP requires 5 to 6 cards and the fact that another Friend player must be willing to part with a card of their own. For a game with "trading" in the name it clearly does not want its players to actually trade between each other.


  • vixotrainer567
    vixotrainer567 Member Posts: 1
    Second Anniversary First Comment

    This game was a 5/5 stars experience until the last update, trading is every bit as horrible as we thought it would be and even worse, new players can't hope to complete any previous expansion not in a million years, and I can't get the few cards I'm missing because I need to sacrifice way too many cards to do so. I'm a sucker for the cosmetics, and I was planning on buying all cosmetics packs, including the Cynthia one coming out tomorrow, as well as the premium pass to get the ones from the shop, that's about 200 bucks a year, but after making it so that newly made friends' packs won't show on wonderpick section you can be very sure I won't be spending a single dime on this game anymore.