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The new Eevee-centric daily quests are awful

grriffinn Member Posts: 139 ✭✭✭
100 Comments Second Anniversary 25 Likes 5 Answers

Seriously, I hate that we now have to play “badly” just to complete our two daily quests. Who in their right mind is going to play the Eeveelution exs and Cassiopeia in any serious manner?

Oh, and I wouldn’t even have this issue with ‘em if the one-time reset would give us a generic daily quest but instead they still have a chance of getting another one.


  • Perfect_Jab
    Perfect_Jab Member Posts: 100 ✭✭✭
    25 Agrees 10 Comments First Anniversary 5 LOLs

    Agreed, think they would of learned from everybody complaining about it last time. Forcing us to use certain cards we dont want too. It just led to players quitting match right after playing the card needed. Stupid. Lack of communication with the players.

  • Sokolaserer
    Sokolaserer Member Posts: 3
    First Comment

    I kind of agree with the OP. Event quests are cool and they should stay and their rewards should be higher than normal ones but they should be easily replaceable by generic quests.

  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,622 ✭✭✭✭✭
    1000 Comments 500 Likes 500 Agrees 250 LOLs

    It's garbadge indeed, I see people making nonesence decks in order to have the required cards for de daily then quit the match as soon as the quest is completed... and even doing that some of those special event quest are hard and boring to finnish in just in single game.

    It's incredible how they can't get anything right... either they are doing this on purpose or they are completely clueless.

  • Man-oof
    Man-oof Member Posts: 1
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    I don't mind it when the cards required are in the decks they gave everyone at the start of the event. I do mind when it specifies cards outside of that, with no guarantee I have those cards, making it unbeatable :|

  • PikaPeace82
    PikaPeace82 Member Posts: 3
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    My obligatory daily 2-3 losses w Sylveon Ex… and what’s more messed up is my opponent’s often snipe my eevee off my bench or iono me when I use a tera orb like they’re intentionally screwing up my daily quest. How about we help each other get through these so we can play better decks yeah??