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No rejection reason provided when rejecting a valid code

ShiningLancer Member Posts: 141 ✭✭✭
Second Anniversary 100 Comments Combo Breaker Name Dropper

All code rejections in the client come up as 'INVALID CODE' instead of providing a reason why a valid code may be rejected.

Edit: deleted screenshots because this bug report was sitting in "drafts" for the last 3 weeks


  • sokyu
    sokyu Member Posts: 16
    First Comment

    If you happen to do pack openings on stream, I'm one of those ppl that slow it down when the code's shown for a frame. if it's invalid, someone's probably sniped it lol

  • ShiningLancer
    ShiningLancer Member Posts: 141 ✭✭✭
    Second Anniversary 100 Comments Combo Breaker Name Dropper

    My screenshots that I deleted were:

    1) Using a second trainers club email promo in the PTCGL client. Appears as "invalid"

    2) Using that same trainers club email promo on PTCGL's web redemption. Appears as "this promotions limit has been reached". This is what I would prefer to see within the client itself.

    3) Successfully redeeming that same trainers club email promo on PTCGO to prove that the code was valid.

    Different messages for already redeemed codes would be helpful too.