Forum discussion: My advice for foreigners

Welcome to the Pokémon Community Forums in English! Are you a foreigner just like me? Here's my advice to help you:
1. Switch to another language
This forum is also available in Spanish, Portuguese (Brazil), German, French, and Italian. To switch to another language:
- If you are using a computer, click "English (USA) (en)", which is beside the search button. Then, select your language.
- If you are using a smartphone, tap the top left button, which is beside the Pokémon logo. Then tap the globe icon and select your language.
2. Learn English (incomplete)
If you can't switch to another language, you should keep learning English as it's the global language.
3. Read this forum's guidelines
This forum has its guidelines to make the community the best it can be. You can read them by searching for them.
Can't read the guidelines? Use a translation program included with your browser.
4. Start posting
After learning to have a basic knowledge of English and reading the guidelines, you can start posting a discussion or a comment. No worries if you have spelling and grammar errors — another member may correct them for you.
Thanks for reading! The advices are still incomplete, so let's expand them if you can! I hope that we can make the community and our forums the best they can be! 😊
It is a nice sentiment, but how useful is a guide for non-English speakers in English?