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Koga + Weezing game breaking bug

I was playing the blastoise event testing a weezing + scolipede Koga deck
After I removed weezing using Koga, I was unable to do anything else, I couldn’t attack since the active card had no energy, I had already used the turn energy and couldn’t retreat also for having no energy nor xspeed

I tried waiting more than 5 minutes and nothing happened, no time out or nothing. Had to forfeit after that.

I have the screen recording showing that I couldn’t interact with anything, but it is in PT-BR

Is it a bug or am I missing something?


  • Mod_Bee
    Mod_Bee Moderator Posts: 569 mod
    500 Comments 25 LOLs 5 Answers 25 Likes

    Hi there, @JoonesP. Thank you for reaching out! We recommend getting in contact with our support team so they can review and provide assistance. Please submit a ticket to get the conversation started by going to support.pokemon.com, click on the Pokémon TCG Pocket, and then hit "Contact Us"!