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Shrn1 Member Posts: 1

In the shop the purchase of hourglasses should replace daily once you purchased the 12 token for 6 hourglasses is not replenished and the monthly one is higher in price 18 tokens for 6 hourglass. Interchange the metric so that the we can purchase hourglasses daily for 18 tokens and make the monthly hour glasses cheaper for 12 shop tokens only available once a month it will boost the free to play pack opening as these shop tokens are currently useless and keep stacking up with no way use them effectively


  • Xavilr
    Xavilr Member Posts: 1
    First Comment

    Or at least dissapear from the shop. It is a horribly bad desing to leave them there forever… like… whats the point to remind us that we will never be able to buy them again? do we need this reminder? so bad