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[MAJOR EXPLOIT/BUG] Closing and reopening the game does not save coin flips

Accidentally found this when taking a screenshot to record an 18 energy attack from Celebi. I take screenshots from my phone by going to the open app select screen and pressing a button (I use an android phone).

I took a screenshot of the coin flips after they had finished, but before the screen showing the coin flips closed. When I did, the game stopped as the process that runs to take a screenshot ran instead. I then had to reconnect to the game and when I did, I found that the coin flips process had restarted. The second time the coin flips process ran, the outcome was different and I got heads in 12 coin flips instead of 11.

Being able to redo coin flip events as much as you like within the turn time limit is obviously unintended and would be very bad for the game if more people used it. Not only would you be able to do things like reroll paralysis chance, damage from some attacks, etc. but the process takes a lot of time to do which wastes your opponent's time and can be done faster on some devices.

Extra notes: After the coin flip event screen has closed stopping the game by taking a screenshot does not reset the event.
