How would you rank the regions?

i would rank them as this:
- Alola
- Sinnoh
- Galar
- Kalos
- Paldea
- Johto
- Kanto
- Hoenn
- Unova
This is NOT based on the games, Ash team, series etc… it is especially based kn the region itself, the legendary pokemon, the characters…
Best Answers
Alola because of Lillie, Solgaleo, Lusamine, Gladion, Hau, Ultra Necrozma, Rowlet
Sinnoh because of Giratina, Palkia, Darkrai, Cynthia, Lucario, Garchomp
Galar because of Dragapult, Hop, Leon, Cinderace, Sonia, Gym Leaders
Kalos because of Zygarde XD
Paldea because of Nemona, Terapagos, Ogerpon, Gym Leaders
Johto because of Shiny Noctowl, Umbreon, Lugia, Ho-Oh
Kanto because of Mewtwo, “The first pokemon games”
Hoenn because of Rayquaza
And i really don’t like Unova
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galar last??
(wow can we edit now???? So handy!!)0 -
My top 5.
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we can say this two points:
- Or you love Paldea, or you hate it
- Alola scores good
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This is ranking them as they appear in their latest entry.
- Hoenn
- Galar
- Kalos
- Johto
- Sinnoh
- Alola
- Unova
- Kanto
- Paldea
Paldea sucks.
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Alola sixth?
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- Unova
- Hoenn
- Sinnoh
- Kalos
- Paldea
- Kanto
- Galar
- Alola
- Johto
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Yeah it was nice but in my opinion a tad bit lackluster.
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My ranking from a gameplay perspective:
- Kanto
- Johto
- Unova
- Kalos
- Alola
- Sinnoh
- Hoenn
- Paldea
- Galar
I know I will be accused of genwunning for putting Kanto first, but it legitimately had one of the most interesting designs. It's linear early on, but from the third gym on it opens up and you have a lot of freedom to attempt the next few gyms in any order you please. Though simple, it was intelligently designed to enable backtracking to get where you need to go until you unlock fly.
Ironic that I think it achieved a better freeform nonlinear gym progression that Paldea, the region specifically trying to do that.
As for traversing the region, Paldea is big and open, but empty.
The games preserved some of the Kanto philosophy until Unova, when the regions became extremely linear. Unova may have been the first and most obvious offender, being a literal loop, but some regions (Galar) might as well have been a straight corridor FFXIII style.
Sinnoh takes after the earlier games to a degree, but travelling across the region feels like an exercise in wasting your time in an already painfully slow game, more than showing you anything interesting.
Alola looks beautiful, but if you cut out the journeys between islands and linked the routes together, that also might as well be a corridor.
Hoenn is the region I hated the most for the longest time because of all the water routes and surfing. I get it, you have a theme and a commentry on land reclamation in Japan. That doesn't make it fun to play or explore. At least the bits that aren't on water are fine, or even interesting.
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1. Sinnoh; Probably because it was my first region. But it's best features are mount coronet, the forest and the northern snow biome. There is no other region that does ice pokemon and the snow biome so well. + There are pokemon contests.
2. Hoenn; Its whole watery south is fantastic, and the vulcanos ash rain is special. It too has contests. Downside: To tropic for my taste.
3. Alola; the islands are to small but else its fine.
4. Johto; a classic
5. Kalos
6. Unova
7. Kanto (just not my taste)