Glimmorant EX Bugg against iron thorns! Opponent took 2 price cards after discard effect

peechu213 chose heads for the opening coin flip.
peechu213 won the coin toss.
peechu213 decided to go second.
peechu213 drew 7 cards for the opening hand.
- 7 drawn cards.
BroodjeHesp drew 7 cards for the opening hand. - 7 drawn cards.
• Basic Fighting Energy, Boss's Orders, Super Rod, Glimmora ex, Basic Fighting Energy, Ultra Ball, Garchomp ex
peechu213 took a mulligan. - Cards revealed from Mulligan 1
• Basic Psychic Energy, Basic Psychic Energy, Basic Lightning Energy, Drakloak, Basic Fire Energy, Night Stretcher, Basic Fire Energy
BroodjeHesp took a mulligan. - Cards revealed from Mulligan 1
• Basic Fighting Energy, Boss's Orders, Super Rod, Glimmora ex, Basic Fighting Energy, Ultra Ball, Garchomp ex
peechu213 played Toedscool to the Active Spot.
BroodjeHesp played Shellos to the Active Spot.
Turn # 1 - BroodjeHesp's Turn
BroodjeHesp drew Iono.
BroodjeHesp played Precious Trolley.
- BroodjeHesp drew 5 cards and played them to the Bench.
• Bidoof, Glimmet, Okidogi, Radiant Greninja, Gible - BroodjeHesp shuffled their deck.
BroodjeHesp's Radiant Greninja used Concealed Cards. - BroodjeHesp discarded Basic Fighting Energy.
- BroodjeHesp drew 2 cards.
• Glimmora ex, Basic Fighting Energy
BroodjeHesp attached Basic Fighting Energy to Glimmet on the Bench.
BroodjeHesp ended their turn.
Turn # 2 - peechu213's Turn
peechu213 drew a card.
peechu213 played Arven.
- peechu213 drew 2 cards.
• Precious Trolley, Future Booster Energy Capsule - peechu213 shuffled their deck.
peechu213 attached Rescue Board to Toedscool in the Active Spot.
peechu213 played Precious Trolley. - peechu213 drew 5 cards and played them to the Bench.
• Dreepy, Dreepy, Dreepy, Iron Thorns ex, Iron Thorns ex - peechu213 shuffled their deck.
peechu213 retreated Toedscool to the Bench.
peechu213's Iron Thorns ex is now in the Active Spot.
peechu213 attached Technical Machine: Evolution to Iron Thorns ex in the Active Spot.
peechu213 attached Basic Psychic Energy to Iron Thorns ex in the Active Spot.
peechu213's Iron Thorns ex used Evolution. - peechu213 evolved Dreepy to Drakloak on the Bench.
- peechu213 evolved Dreepy to Drakloak on the Bench.
- peechu213 shuffled their deck.
Iron Thorns ex was activated. - Technical Machine: Evolution was discarded from peechu213's Iron Thorns ex.
Turn # 3 - BroodjeHesp's Turn
BroodjeHesp drew Luminous Energy.
BroodjeHesp attached Luminous Energy to Okidogi on the Bench.
BroodjeHesp evolved Glimmet to Glimmora ex on the Bench.
BroodjeHesp ended their turn.
Turn # 4 - peechu213's Turn
peechu213 drew a card.
peechu213's Drakloak used Recon Directive.
- peechu213 drew a card.
peechu213's Drakloak used Recon Directive. - peechu213 drew a card.
peechu213 attached Future Booster Energy Capsule to Iron Thorns ex in the Active Spot.
peechu213 played Ultra Ball. - peechu213 discarded 2 cards.
• Iron Thorns ex, Radiant Alakazam - peechu213 drew Dragapult ex.
- peechu213 shuffled their deck.
peechu213 evolved Drakloak to Dragapult ex on the Bench.
peechu213 attached Basic Fire Energy to Iron Thorns ex in the Active Spot.
peechu213 ended their turn.
Turn # 5 - BroodjeHesp's Turn
BroodjeHesp drew Super Rod.
BroodjeHesp attached Basic Fighting Energy to Glimmora ex on the Bench.
BroodjeHesp ended their turn.
Turn # 6 - peechu213's Turn
peechu213 drew a card.
peechu213's Drakloak used Recon Directive.
- peechu213 drew a card.
peechu213 attached Basic Lightning Energy to Iron Thorns ex in the Active Spot.
peechu213's Iron Thorns ex used Volt Cyclone on BroodjeHesp’s Shellos for 320 damage. BroodjeHesp's Shellos took 160 more damage because of Lightning Weakness. - Damage breakdown:
• Base damage: 140 damage
• (Pokémon Tool) Future Booster Energy Capsule: 20 damage
• Weakness to Lightning: 160 damage
• Total damage: 320 damage - peechu213 attached Basic Fire Energy to Dragapult ex on the Bench.
BroodjeHesp's Shellos was Knocked Out!
peechu213 took a Prize card.
A card was added to peechu213's hand.
BroodjeHesp's Glimmora ex is now in the Active Spot.
Turn # 7 - BroodjeHesp's Turn
BroodjeHesp drew Forest Seal Stone.
BroodjeHesp attached Luminous Energy to Gible on the Bench.
BroodjeHesp played Iono.
- BroodjeHesp shuffled their hand.
- BroodjeHesp put 4 cards on the bottom of their deck.
• Forest Seal Stone, Tera Orb, Garchomp ex, Super Rod - peechu213 shuffled their hand.
- BroodjeHesp moved BroodjeHesp's 4 cards to their deck.
- BroodjeHesp drew 6 cards.
• Area Zero Underdepths, Arven, Super Rod, Gabite, Gastrodon, Arven - BroodjeHesp drew 5 cards.
BroodjeHesp evolved Gible to Gabite on the Bench.
BroodjeHesp's Glimmora ex used Poisonous Gem on peechu213’s Iron Thorns ex for 280 damage. peechu213's Iron Thorns ex took 140 more damage because of Fighting Weakness. - Damage breakdown:
• Base damage: 140 damage
• Weakness to Fighting: 140 damage
• Total damage: 280 damage - peechu213's Iron Thorns ex is now Poisoned.
peechu213's Iron Thorns ex was Knocked Out! - 3 cards were discarded from peechu213's Iron Thorns ex.
• Basic Psychic Energy, Basic Lightning Energy, Future Booster Energy Capsule
BroodjeHesp played a card. - peechu213 discarded 2 cards.
• Dreepy, Toedscool - Rescue Board was discarded from peechu213's Toedscool.
peechu213 took 2 Prize cards.
A card was added to peechu213's hand.
A card was added to peechu213's hand.
BroodjeHesp took 2 Prize cards.
Okidogi was added to BroodjeHesp's hand.
Rare Candy was added to BroodjeHesp's hand.
peechu213's Dragapult ex is now in the Active Spot.
Turn # 8 - peechu213's Turn
peechu213 drew a card.
peechu213's Drakloak used Recon Directive.
- peechu213 drew a card.
peechu213 attached Future Booster Energy Capsule to Iron Thorns ex on the Bench.
peechu213 attached Basic Psychic Energy to Dragapult ex in the Active Spot.
peechu213 played Night Stretcher. - peechu213 moved peechu213's Dreepy to their hand.
peechu213 played Dreepy to the Bench.
peechu213 played Iono. - peechu213 shuffled their hand.
- peechu213 put 5 cards on the bottom of their deck.
- BroodjeHesp shuffled their hand.
- peechu213 put 7 cards on the bottom of their deck.
• Gastrodon, Super Rod, Arven, Rare Candy, Area Zero Underdepths, Arven, Okidogi - peechu213 drew 3 cards.
- peechu213 drew 4 cards.
• Gible, Glimmet, Ultra Ball, Bibarel
peechu213's Dragapult ex used Phantom Dive on BroodjeHesp’s Glimmora ex for 200 damage. - peechu213 put 3 damage counters on peechu213's Okidogi.
- peechu213 put 3 damage counters on peechu213's Gabite.
Turn # 9 - BroodjeHesp's Turn
BroodjeHesp drew Irida.
BroodjeHesp evolved Bidoof to Bibarel on the Bench.
BroodjeHesp played Irida.
- BroodjeHesp drew 2 cards.
• Garchomp ex, Nest Ball - BroodjeHesp shuffled their deck.
BroodjeHesp evolved Gabite to Garchomp ex on the Bench.
BroodjeHesp played Ultra Ball. - BroodjeHesp discarded 2 cards.
• Glimmet, Gible - BroodjeHesp drew Okidogi.
- BroodjeHesp shuffled their deck.
BroodjeHesp's Bibarel used Industrious Incisors. - BroodjeHesp drew 3 cards.
• Bravery Charm, Colress's Tenacity, Arven
BroodjeHesp attached Bravery Charm to Okidogi on the Bench.
BroodjeHesp played Nest Ball. - BroodjeHesp drew Okidogi and played it to the Bench.
- BroodjeHesp shuffled their deck.
BroodjeHesp's Glimmora ex used Poisonous Gem on peechu213’s Dragapult ex for 140 damage. - peechu213's Dragapult ex is now Poisoned.
Pokémon Checkup
1 damage counter was placed on peechu213's Dragapult ex for the Special Condition Poisoned.
Turn # 10 - peechu213's Turn
peechu213 drew a card.
peechu213's Drakloak used Recon Directive.
- peechu213 drew a card.
peechu213 evolved Drakloak to Dragapult ex on the Bench.
peechu213 played Crispin. - peechu213 drew Basic Psychic Energy.
- peechu213 attached Basic Fire Energy to Dragapult ex on the Bench.
- peechu213 shuffled their deck.
peechu213 attached Basic Psychic Energy to Dragapult ex on the Bench.
peechu213's Dragapult ex used Phantom Dive on BroodjeHesp’s Glimmora ex for 200 damage. - peechu213 put 6 damage counters on peechu213's Bibarel.
BroodjeHesp's Glimmora ex was Knocked Out! - 3 cards were discarded from BroodjeHesp's Glimmora ex.
• Basic Fighting Energy, Basic Fighting Energy, Glimmet
peechu213 took 2 Prize cards.
A card was added to peechu213's hand.
A card was added to peechu213's hand.
BroodjeHesp's Garchomp ex is now in the Active Spot.
Pokémon Checkup
1 damage counter was placed on peechu213's Dragapult ex for the Special Condition Poisoned.
Turn # 11 - BroodjeHesp's Turn
BroodjeHesp drew Basic Fighting Energy.
BroodjeHesp attached Basic Fighting Energy to Okidogi on the Bench.
BroodjeHesp played Colress's Tenacity.
- BroodjeHesp drew 2 cards.
• Area Zero Underdepths, Luminous Energy - BroodjeHesp shuffled their deck.
BroodjeHesp played Area Zero Underdepths to the Stadium spot.
BroodjeHesp played Okidogi to the Bench.
BroodjeHesp's Bibarel used Industrious Incisors. - BroodjeHesp drew 3 cards.
• Basic Fighting Energy, Luminous Energy, Arven
BroodjeHesp's Radiant Greninja used Concealed Cards. - BroodjeHesp discarded Basic Fighting Energy.
- BroodjeHesp drew 2 cards.
• Basic Fighting Energy, Arven
BroodjeHesp's Garchomp ex used Hydro Lander on peechu213’s Dragapult ex for 160 damage. - BroodjeHesp attached Basic Fighting Energy to Okidogi on the Bench.
- BroodjeHesp attached Basic Fighting Energy to Okidogi on the Bench.
- BroodjeHesp attached Basic Fighting Energy to Okidogi on the Bench.
peechu213's Dragapult ex was Knocked Out! - 4 cards were discarded from peechu213's Dragapult ex.
• Basic Fire Energy, Basic Psychic Energy, Drakloak, Dreepy
BroodjeHesp took 2 Prize cards.
Garchomp ex was added to BroodjeHesp's hand.
Lumineon V was added to BroodjeHesp's hand.
peechu213's Dragapult ex is now in the Active Spot.
Turn # 12 - peechu213's Turn
peechu213 drew a card.
peechu213 played Boss's Orders.
- BroodjeHesp's Okidogi was switched with BroodjeHesp's Garchomp ex to become the Active Pokémon.
BroodjeHesp's Okidogi is now in the Active Spot.
peechu213 attached Basic Fire Energy to Dreepy on the Bench.
peechu213 played Iron Thorns ex to the Bench.
peechu213's Dragapult ex used Phantom Dive on BroodjeHesp’s Okidogi for 200 damage. - peechu213 put 6 damage counters on peechu213's Bibarel.
BroodjeHesp's Okidogi was Knocked Out! - 2 cards were discarded from BroodjeHesp's Okidogi.
• Basic Fighting Energy, Basic Fighting Energy
BroodjeHesp's Bibarel was Knocked Out!
Bidoof was discarded from BroodjeHesp's Bibarel.
peechu213 took a Prize card.
A card was added to peechu213's hand.
Opponent took all of their Prize cards. peechu213 wins.