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WHAT are the developers doing????

schiesse Member Posts: 6
5 Agrees Name Dropper First Comment

honestly what are you guys doing here??? You keep matching me with losers who stop playing because they died in one fight, people who don’t know how to pick a balanced team, people who give up and don’t bother helping with ANY team fights, people who have had less than 1000 games total when I’ve played since launch 3+ years ago and almost 10k games. WHY ARE YOU MATCHING ME WITH THEM??? Every [Edited by Mod_Nova - Please keep language appropriate for all audiences] game I get [Edited by Mod_YourName - Please keep language appropriate for all audiences] steamrolled by the opposing team because they’re magically in lockstep, meanwhile my team doesn’t even go to Rayquaza! Like, seriously, TPCI, Tencent, Timi, I don’t know who’s ultimately responsible and that’s probably by your intentional design so we don’t know who to blame, but WHAT ARE WE DOING HERE???? Is it your goal to reward your most loyal players with the most frustrating and headache inducing gameplay experience??? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU! Even when you “fix” match making you somehow make it WORSE! For years and years we have been begging you to improve solo queue and you just IGNORE US. WHY?
