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Getting Stuck on the deck search screen

I've been getting a bug on TCGL android that whenever I use an ability, item, supporter...etc that makes me search my deck i get stuck on the deck searching screen.

Like the screen greys out and on the very bottom of the screen it shows both options of pokemon/all but i can't interact with anything on the screen.

Its been like 6 weeks since this bug has apperd for me and I quit and came back to the game regularly to see if it got fixed or not.


  • Mod_Nova
    Mod_Nova Moderator Posts: 193 mod
    100 Comments 25 Likes 5 Agrees 5 LOLs

    Hey @SpHD7489, thank you for reporting this bug! For further assistance, please contact our support team, who will be able to investigate this further with your account. Visit support.pokemon.com, select Pokémon TCG Live, and click "Contact Us" on the right side of the screen. We appreciate your patience and understanding!