Please fix broken Daily Quest

For the Daily Quest called "Play 1 Stadum Card" the actual requirement is to play 3 stadium cards. This mismatch has been there for weeks. Please fix. (I wouldn't mind so much, but I don't play a lot of stadium cards, and I often have to spend an unreasonable amount of time fulfilling these quests!)
I actually never noticed that, maybe I just rerolled that quest lol I don't like that one.
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It also occurs for the "Play 1 Item Card" quest. This sucks, since most of the Trainer Cards worth using in most decks are Supporters, Stadiums, or Tools.
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Just ran into this as well (text says play 1 stadium but when you are done, the quest will show 1/3, if you played only 1 stadium). Pretty annoying, especially since playing 3 stadiums is a pain. Even decks that play a stadium usually play the same one. I used to run a RM deck with multiple stadiums just to do the 3 stadium quest. Now a 3 stadium quest is an auto-redo.
@Mod_BeeThis issue is not unique to the OP. Pokemon technical team should work on this without requiring the submission of the technical support ticket, which process is itself pretty annoying.