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What's the most painstaking thing you've done in a Pokémon game?

WildWorld1996 Member Posts: 92 ✭✭
10 Comments 5 Agrees 5 Likes 5 LOLs

I've been evolving Dunsparce recently. I now have 80 Dudunsparce and only Two-Segment Form. What have all of you done that was so painstaking that you never want to do again?


  • WildWorld1996
    WildWorld1996 Member Posts: 92 ✭✭
    10 Comments 5 Agrees 5 Likes 5 LOLs

    Yes, I'm fully aware that there's only a 55.2% chance that I'd get a Three-Segment Form so far, but it's gotten to the point that I just want it to be over.

  • clasingla
    clasingla Member Posts: 3,540 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    grind for the never hungries in super Pokémon mystery dungeon

  • UnovanZorua
    UnovanZorua Member Posts: 2,366 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    The first thing I can think of is when I tried shiny hunting Rowlet (the starter) in S/M using soft resets. I chose that method because eggs would be even worse imo and also I wanted to destroy everything with a shiny starter instead of a regular one. I've probably done much worse and more painful things though, it's just that this one is the first one that comes to my mind right now.