Opponent gained two prize cards for me KOing their pokemon.

I was playing a game just now and in it I attacked with my Glimmora ex to knock out an Iron Thorns ex and my opponent was awarded two prize cards for it.
Here is the battle log of that interaction.
OMGsniperTurtle's Glimmora ex used Poisonous Gem on Cesarvelaz’s Iron Thorns ex for 280 damage. Cesarvelaz's Iron Thorns ex took 140 more damage because of Fighting Weakness.
- Cesarvelaz's Iron Thorns ex is now Poisoned.- Cesarvelaz discarded 2 cards. • Miraidon ex, Miraidon ex
- Rescue Board was discarded from Cesarvelaz's Miraidon ex.
Cesarvelaz's Iron Thorns ex was Knocked Out!
- 2 cards were discarded from Cesarvelaz's Iron Thorns ex. • Basic Lightning Energy, Basic Lightning EnergyCesarvelaz's Raikou V is now in the Active Spot.
Cesarvelaz took 2 Prize cards.
OMGsniperTurtle took 2 Prize cards.