New Pokémon Game Idea: Pokémon World

Hear me out: as some type of anniversary celebration, there should be a new Pokémon game introducing Gen 10. However, not only would it include Gen 10 (new region, Pokémon, story, etc), it would include practically everything since Gen 1, including all 9 regions and 1000+ Pokémon (they might have to cut it short cuz ppl still play Sword/Shield for some reason, so this is just spitballing).
DISCLAIMER: I’m not as big of a Pokémon nerd as some of you. So if there’s anything I say that is wrong canonically, technically, or whatever, I’m sorry 😅. Also, I didn’t play Pokémon up until Gen 6-8, which is off putting to some. So if I don’t reference story points, characters, or game mechanics that were established Gen 1-5, I’m sorry for that too 😂😭.
The player starts off in the new Gen 10 region, progressing through it in the usual Pokémon fashion. After becoming the region’s Champion, the player would then be tasked by the regional Professor to travel to the other to 1) complete the Pokédex and 2) become the Champion in each region (and maybe the World Champion by some type of global league). The player can choose whichever region to go to, progressing through each region’s story. The story would most likely change due to the passage of time in each of those regions, since most Pokémon games usually take place some time after the preceding one (Ex: Black/White 2), with Legends: Arceus being the exception. For example, in the Kalos region, the villain wouldn’t be Lysandre (if you know why, you know why), but possibly Xerosic back at it again (like a deviation of XY’s post-game?).
The legendaries involved would be dependent on the version of the game you get. And there would be two versions. Pokémon World Red Version: combining Red, Gold, Ruby, Pearl, White, Y, Sun, Shield, Scarlet. Pokémon World Blue Version: combining Blue, Silver, Sapphire, Diamond, Black, X, Moon, Sword, Violet. You get the idea. There might be a third version, but not every mainline Gen game had a third version (XY not having Z 😔), so that would be harder.
Every time the player visits a new region, he essentially has to start fresh and leave his Pokémon at his base (kinda like Ash in the series). He then gets to pick a starter for that region when he starts there. So, a player can obtain a Charmander, Totodile, Treeko, Chimchar, Oshawot, Chespin, Litten, Sobble, and Sprigatito in the same game if he wanted to. The player is then locked to that region till he has at least four gym badges, after which he can freely travel between regions. Also, each region would have their respective gimmicks. Kalos: Mega Evolution, Alola: Z-moves, Galar: Dyna/Gigantamax, Paldea: Terastalization. Previous regions can have gimmicks as well, such as Kanto and Hoenn using Mega Evolution.
Some extra areas would be available, too. The Ultra dimension would be open to explore (allowing a player to collect more legendaries and mythicals just like in Ultra Sun/Moon; as well as Ultra Beasts of Course), and the Hisui region would be reachable via a going-back-in-time side quest. Two new areas would open as well: Battle Island and the Player Base. Battle Island lets players meet online and have different battles together. They can also team up in Battle Clans and have large-scale Clan Battles, ranging from 4v4 to 8v8. If possible, they can even have Clan Wars, 12v12. The other area is the Player Base. It allows the player to do several things, including managing Pokémon, special Pokémon training, breeding, berry farming, etc. The rank of your Base is dependent on the number of badges you have. The higher the rank, the better the training, breeding, berry farming, etc.
The Battle Island wouldn’t be the only place where you meet other players. You can meet players as you’re playing in other regions, in a sort of MMO fashion.
So… the trading system. Most of us acknowledge it needs reform 😅. Measures would be put into place so that a person can’t ask for a Lvl 1 version of a Pokémon that does not occur naturally as a Lvl 1. Example: a person can’t ask for a Lvl 1 Charizard, since it can only exist as a higher lvl. Also, I don’t think it’s fair if someone asks for a Lvl 100 shiny Mew when they’re offering a Lvl 1 Pidgey 😅. We need to fix that at least.
Also, for the end game: After the player has gotten every single badge and become the Champion in every region, he then enters the World Cup. This is where it gets interesting. The player battles his way to the top, using his best Pokémon. In the battles, he can use whatever gimmick he wants, Mega, Z, Dyna/Giganta, Tera. He battles many familiar faces along the way. I propose that he fights all the protagonists of the past Pokémon games (dependent on the game version). Red Version: Red, Calum, etc. Blue Version: Blue, Serena, etc. The idea is that you’re stepping into the shoes of all these great protagonists. The final fight will be the player vs his rival OR the player and Ash, as we have yet to see an in-game Ash cameo (I know it’ll probably suggest a lot of things about the Pokémon game timeline, but whatever 😅).
Think of this as the ultimate remake. The 3D models should be revisited. It should go back to Gen 6 when they were first introduced, cuz those models and animations were honestly really good, especially compared to Gen 8 and on. Each region obviously needs to keep their respective designs, background music, evil teams (although most were defeated during the original games, some of them have returned for vengeance, being the catalyst for the player to encounter and eventually catch the legendaries of each region), etc.
Post-game would be interesting. All the evil Pokémon teams would band together in a final effort try to rule/reform the world, so you and the past protagonists would have to join together to defeat them. Essentially, it would climax into a final battle of good and evil, in the format of a Clan War battle. We would see the leaders player had defeated during his time in each region. Giovanni, Xerosic, and many others would make a return.
Again, this is just an idea. By no means official. Development of this could take a number of years, so it might not line up with the Pokémon’s possibly planned (but unannounced) timing of Gen 10.
But, still…
We could make this happen. 🤔
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no kidding🐄
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no man, that's the good part, you can catch your favorite Pokemon.
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It's a good idea but I would rather it not be the ultimate remake. perhaps it could take the theme of a trainer from whatever region traveling across the regions battling the strongest trainers out there, perhaps done in a way with no need to start fresh and without the need to grind up new teams more than 7 times (the champ of each region ranges from lv.50-100, maybe even until lv.200). But yeah the multiple regions and full national dex would be nice.
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Battle island does sound interesting.