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Feedback / ideas for improvements

To my background I played a lot of physical and digital card games including the Pokemon TCG for the Gameboy Color. I also played a lot of other Pokemon games.

I have 3 ideas which should hopefully make deck building and pvp more interesting. I will start from the probably least controversial option moving towards the biggest change proposal.

#1 Energy system changes:

I like the new energy mechanic in this game more than the old system (of the Gameboy color game). But this system has the problem of favouring mono types to much. This makes deck building boring and you feel like playing against the same decks (of course I hope with a bigger card pool this can change if this game doesn't go the power creep route which would make me stop playing it). Also attacks which use colorless energy are nerfed by the mono type dominance.

To fix it, instead of gaining a random energy with equal chances, mak an energy deck. By deck I mean it's mechanics, the actual visuals should be kept.

The energy deck contains 12 energy. Every turn you always get a random energy of these 12 and once the deck runs out it gets reshuffled and reused. A mono type deck would go with 12 times the same energy.

A double type deck could split even 6 grass and 6 fire for example. But the player could also choose to go with 9 grass and 3 fire or anything else.

A deck with 3 types could go 4 fire 4 water 4 grass. Or the player could choose 8 fire 2 water 2 grass or 6 fire 3 water 3 grass. Or any other combination.

These changes would allow the player to play as before but would also open up new ways to play. Cards which summon a specific energy could either summon them from nowhere or force the energy deck to be reshuffled if that energy isn't in the deck anymore.

#2 EX limit:

With only 20 cards in the deck and Max 2 copies per card the whole deck is just build around ex Pokemon. The drawback of being worth 2 points isn't that important if you have just 3 points. If you lose by 4 or 3 points makes no difference at all. So EX cards limit the usage of other cards which again makes you feel playing against the same decks over and over. I hope that this can be changed by limiting the number of EX cards in a deck to 2. Do we really need to see our opponent having 4 EX Pokemon on their field, I don't think so. Do I want to be forced to put 4 EX Pokemon in my deck? No. I want to have a personal choice among many viable options, expressing my own play style without being punished for it.

#3 opening hand consistence & comeback mechanism:

Getting snowballed because of a lack of comeback mechanism is bad. Losing because of a very unlucky first hand is also bad. I introduce a solution that would fix both with one mechanic.

At the start of the game both players draw 2 additional cards. In addition to placing their first basis monsters on the field, they also have to chose 2 cards in their hand to become shields. What are shields? They are the reverse of price cards in the TCG. When your opponent gets a point you get 1 of your 2 price cards at random to your hand. If your opponent gets 2 points you get both cards. If your opponent gets 3 points... you lose the game.

#4 (Bonus) Meme suggestion:

Make the Misty card text simpler. New text: "Toss a coin, if heads you win the game".

I know it's unlikely that ideas from the community get implemented, but if you do, I would appreciate to be in the credits because I like the quality of the games (yeah there are some less known exceptions).


  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,366 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    This game is suposed to be a simplistic version of the original TCG and it does have those vibes, if you add too much complexity it's just better to play the original in TCG Live.