Squawkabilly ex seems buggy - turns timing out

Not sure if it's just me, but when I use Squawkabilly ex, my game tends to enter into an in between actions phase that results in my turn ending by way of my turn timing out. Actions such as using Squawkabilly ex's ability "Squawk and Seize", or retreating tend to trigger this - it happened around 3 times today for me in separate games resulting in game losses. I had some success breaking out of the such an in between actions phase by switching out Squawkabilly ex via cards like Switch, but otherwise the glitch carries over into future turns too making those games unplayable until such cards are drawn. I will be submitting a ticket, but just wanted to find out if anyone else has been encountering this glitch / bug.
Hi @stephen9495. Thank you for reaching out about this issue with Squawkabilly ex. We understand your concerns with this affecting your gameplay experience. To help resolve this, please submit a support ticket to our support team with additional details. This will allow them to investigate and assist you. Please go to support.pokemon.com, click on the Pokémon Trading Card Game Live link, and then hit "Contact Us." Thanks!