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Why Expanded Format Needs to Be Fully Supported in TCGL(BW+XY)



  • Cricketplayer10
    Cricketplayer10 Member Posts: 23
    10 Comments First Anniversary 5 Agrees 5 Likes

    @TechHog from a business standpoint yes higher demand does decrease prices. This is because if there is high demand for a product by customers that is offered by multiple businesses, each of those businesses will try and compete on price to make sure they have the lowest selling price on the product. Customers are attracted by lower prices not higher ones(obviously).

    Your statement maybe true if TPC was a monopoly business and was the only business that sells Pokémon cards but of course there are many other businesses that sell Pokémon cards like the vendors and independent businesses you may see at an event like NAIC.

    The fact is, availability of expanded cards from BW+XY is relatively low at the moment. So if businesses ever do get their hands on these cards they are naturally going to put a higher selling price up on these cards because they aren't as available as standard format cards are currently. In this scenario, availability always has a hand over demand.

    I also never said that they would have to reprint older cards and sets but we are seeing small glimpses of reprints of ASPECS like scrambled switch and scoop up cyclone. But I never said they would have to reprint entire sets.

    So, how do you make older cards more available? For me it would be to reintroduce expanded format to either online(TCGL) or in person events so that these older cards have some sort of value within the competitive TCG not that its just based on availability. levels This means that customers can realise that they can play their older cards still and if they want to great, but if they don't, they can be encouraged to sell their older cards to other customers that want to use them in competitive play. Therefore, more older cards become more available for customers to buy and those reducing prices of older cards.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,785 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    edited 1:48AM #13

    You need to take a course too. It only reduces prices of the supply can keep up. More people wanting them isn't going to make more of them appear out of thin air. And that last paragraph is just complete nonsense so stop repeating it.

    Like, come on dude...