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Why won't Psyduck as a playable Pokémon Supporter be able to evolve in Pokémon UNITE?

I knew that Psyduck is an upcoming playable Pokémon Supporter for Pokémon UNITE, even though he won't be able to evolve into anything, not even into Golduck either? Now I wonder why you think that Psyduck as a playable Pokémon Supporter won't be able to evolve in Pokémon UNITE?


  • Meowy11111
    Meowy11111 Member Posts: 246 ✭✭✭
    100 Comments 5 Answers 25 Likes 25 Agrees

    well Pikachu doesn’t evolve due to he being ash’s partner who doesn’t want to evolve, maybe same for misty and psyduck.