When will older cards (Black and White/ XY) be added to the expanded format option?

My friends and I really love to play a format in Pokemon TCG called Gym Leader Challenge (GLC). We really want to use TCG Live as a way to play this format of the card game, however we've noticed that we don't have access to create decks using cards from older generations of the Pokemon TCG.
It appears that we're able to craft those cards, but the game won't allow us to use them in a playable deck.
Is there a way that those cards can be made available to play? If not, would there be a way to make a separate tab or version just for GLC players?
It's been in beta for ages.
Oh, well. I guess you'll have to keep buying the new packs and playing standard.
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Don't forget the current playable older cards are filled with bugs, just imagine the unplayable cards... after they fix the majority of bugs they will have to implement some kind of Ranked Ladder... or very few people will play it just in casual.
Taking in consideration the speed devs do things, lets say the Game Logs that is much simple to implement it took more than a year...
So I think Expanded will be compleated (including its competitive Ranked Laddder) maybe in a couple of years if we're very lucky.
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To me it is out of date in so many levels right now lol
It can't even handle disconnections well, you disconnect for a sec and you are done… this is 2024 name any other recent game that can't wait for players to reconnect…
I will not even bother to go on more about what is outdated in this game (already said too many times)… it's a shame.0 -
Because I believe it to be true. If I am convinced that it is not true, I will stop saying it.
Do you not think that more people playing Standard is more profitable for TPCi? They don't profit from people buying old singles for Expanded decks. And if they are already playing Standard digitally, is it not more likely that they will do the same in paper?
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I really don't think the reason full Expanded format isn't finished is because they are getting more profit from packs this way…
Tbh it's really clear how low investment was done in the game… The amount of unplayable bugs in Standard (that just cost you the game) and how ugly many card effects are should be enough to understand they can barely handle it.
And the frustration caused by glitches playing the online game can actually make people stop spending money on it (packs and stuff) at least for me.
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You're way overestimating the impact of this game.
I don't know how you can look at the state of this game and go, "yup they definitely could finish Expanded at any time but are just choosing not to." And if that was the idea, why have any Expanded in the first place? The app would probably run better and be easier and cheaper to maintain if it were standard-only and removed rotated cards completely. I'm pretty sure they aren't still printing SM cards, bud.
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I don't know how you can look at the state of this game and go, "yup they definitely could finish Expanded at any time but are just choosing not to."
Who said that? I certainly didn't.
And if that was the idea, why have any Expanded in the first place?
I believe that TPCi would like everyone on the Standard hamster wheel. The same goes for other card games with rotation.
But customers do not necessarily agree. They want their cards to have value and utility beyond rotation, and they don't want to be forced to buy the new cards all the time. Expanded is a begrudging compromise.
The app would probably run better and be easier and cheaper to maintain if it were standard-only and removed rotated cards completely. I'm pretty sure they aren't still printing SM cards, bud.
You are essentially making my point now, but you seem to be phrasing it as though it were somehow a refutation of it instead.
My argument is fundamentally this:
I do not believe for a second that the sole reason that the developers have dragged their feet on Expanded is to sell Standard packs. Nor have I ever said that.
There are plenty of other factors that you yourself raised.
But on top of saving development time and money by not developing and supporting another format in the client, they are also encouraging people to stick to Standard in paper, too.
It's what you play digitally, it's what other people are playing, it's the most widely supported format. Why play Expanded?
The more avenues they cut off to play Pokémon TCG outside of Standard, the more people are going to just lump for Standard. The more people won't be aware alternatives even exist.
But when someone complains, they can just point to Expanded and say, "play that". Oh, nobody else is playing? Guess you'll have to stick with Standard, then.
Where is the financial incentive for TPCi to support Expanded? You yourself said they aren't printing (and therefore are not selling or profiting from) SM cards. Nor are they selling BW cards.
In short, Expanded is a format that TPCi reluctantly created, but are not incentivised to support. Amongst other reasons I never denied, holding off on implementing it properly on the digital client benefits them by discouraging people from playing the format that does not require them to buy the new cards.