Game BUGS after two last updates / Conceding games

I am usually very calm person, but playing last few days leads me to be mad while playing...
First, bugs. After 2 last updates, game is nearly unplayable. Every second game cannot be finished for some reason. For example today. I have Lugia deck, and many times I am unable to finish game normaly. Today 2-3 times this one particular bug - when playing Archeops, I am unable to attach choosen energies to any pokemon. I cannot cancel it, I cannot do anything, till time ends. Then these energies are attached do active pokemon. Happened also with second Archeops same turn, after time ends energies are attached to active pokemon. Later that game, from some reason, I was not able to finish my turn. Only option which remains : restart application.
Then, also today, I was playing another game against Mew deck. Archeops mechanics was functional, but then, after 2 or 3 turns, oponent with Mew was unable to finish his action. Oponent did some sad faces, I did, and then we were waiting till time for turn ends and we can move on. Maybe you will be surprised, but that turn simply not ends. We was waiting about 10 minutes, doing sad faces, and nothing happened. I restarted application.
Second thing, conceding games. My mission for today was play 3 games without conceding and take down one oponent pokemon. First one, done... But I was unable to do the second quest for about 7 games. Every time, after I setup my Lugia, discard two archeops, evolve lugia, promote two archeops to bench and start attaching energies, my oponent concede game. Every time oponent has bad hand and my was good, game ends because oponent conceded. One - two times, ok, but 7 times... really not funny...
This is game killer. It is really not the way it should work. This is encouraging people to drop games before oponent KO their pokemon. I finished 5 of that 7 games with 10 or 30 points, because I was not quick enough to get that KO before they concede game.
This MUST be changed. You can allow conceding game only after first KO, or maybe only in your turn, or just dont give any points/credits/whatever for conceded games, but this must be adjusted. This game is starting to be unplayable and really frustrating, not bringing any joy from playing like this.
I really hope this will be somehow changed. Everything will be better than how it works now.