Game has gotten worse since the 12/09 patch

The summary report of fixes mentions that issues that were causing the game to freeze were fixed.
This is definitely not the case as the game freezes for me every other game, at the very LEAST. I understand that in software, there could be issues/bugs, let alone that PTCG Live is still in beta; but wouldn't it be better to not say that issues have been fixed if they haven't? Maybe ensure the issues are fixed through rigorous sanity testing through various devices? What's the QA testing process like (starting to question if there even is one)? Are there engineers dedicated to testing the software before it's deployed?
This experience has been very frustrating. Losses are being racked up in my account due to these issues and can't attempt to climb the ladder properly due to the game always crashing.
At this point, just take the game offline and perform rigorous sanity and automated testing to help ensure that the 'resolved' issues have been in fact, resolved.
My apologies for the rant, this has just been very frustrating and I have regrets for migrating from PTCGO to PTCGL too soon.
Best regards,