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cornerstone ogerpon vs Aegislash

both prevent damage from each other but also ignore effects. my question is….how does ogerpon still deal damage but aegislash doesnt? had this interaction lose me a match in ranked. both attacks ignore effects but only cornerstone could do damage even though aegislah Hard Bashing ignores effects on pokemon. just curious if this is a bug or intentional

Best Answer

  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,618 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    #2 Answer ✓

    ah you also ment the other way around too, yes Aegislash Hard Bashing attack should be able to deal damage in normal circumstances.

    Unless there was something on the board you're missing like stadium, correct energy, some ability that increase the numer of energy required to atack, etc. If you are sure there was nothing special on the board and you had the energies then it's a bug indeed.


  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,618 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Not a bug. Cornerstone Ogerpon ex attack isn't affected by any effect on the opponent’s active Pokemon…

    Aegislash ability it's an effect so Cornerstone goes through it, same applied to many other Pokemon, like Giratina V "Shred" attack, Duraludon VMax :G-Max Pulverization" attack, etc.

  • Zeraph692
    Zeraph692 Member Posts: 3
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    Hard bashing is also worded the same way though.

  • Zeraph692
    Zeraph692 Member Posts: 3
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    They only had a DT. Full metal was the stadium. So yeah I guess it's a bug. Thanks