Pokemon XY and their Amie feature were amazing.

Since Pokemon X and Y came out on 3DS in 2013, they were really good! Real 3D, colourful graphics, horde battles, Mega Evolutions, new Sylveon Eeveelution, different Trainer clothes to wear, and the Amie feature itself where you can play and pet with your Pokemon, and make them eat food. ^^ Very good games they were, just like other core RPG games in their own ways. :)
From last year, 2023, that makes the 10th anniversary of XY, too! And with the new Pokemon Legends: Z-A game coming out next year for 2025, we'll be able to see the early life of the Kalos region's Lumiose City area. :D It looked good in wireframe style as well from what I've seen in the trailer video online. Lumiose City itself is cool too, and also cool being a stage in my favourite Super Smash Bros. games. ;)
I really liked XY, but they didn't get enough time to develop them and Kalos never got anything else. When I saw the presents where they announced Z-A I actually screamed because Kalos is really special to me and it's my favourite region. I'm so glad Kalos is finally getting more than two games, it was the only region with only 2. I really hope GameFreak and TPC actually give themselves enough time to make the game good, Kalos deserves something actually good after all this time.
Also I really liked the clothes in XY. They had the best outfits, no Pokémon game since then has had better clothes. I also liked decorating my Pokémon Amie place and making Trainer PR videos. Literally everything in Lumiose City was good too, I loved just walking and roller skating everywhere in the city, entering all the places and cafés and shops, and collecting style points. And Super training is honestly still my favourite EV training method, and there no form of online in a Pokémon game that's better than the PSS. ALSO THIS GAME INTRODUCED THE BEST POKÉMON OF ALL TIME, DELPHOX. And I just love everything about the game, even though the main story wasn't very good (the post game was awesome though, Emma is still one of my favourite Pokémon characters), there were many missed opportunities and things that felt unfinished (ZYGARDE FOR EXAMPLE), and Mega Evolution was handled horribly (if Z-A introduces new Megas but Delphox and Chesnaught don't get Megas in it, it's going to become my second least favourite game even if they make the best story in Pokémon and have amazing characters).
EDIT: Also it's hard to believe the games are 10 years old already. The games are barely 5 or 6 years old and no one can trick me into thinking otherwise. /partially a joke
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X and y are my favorite mainline Pokemon games that I’ve played (favorite overall is super mystery dungeon) I honestly enjoyed every feature there was and I loved the inverse battle (they should really bring the special battle modes back) i agree with most everything you said @UnovanZorua though i actually do like the story probably better than the modern era of pokemon and i personally think the xy story is stronger than the scarlet and violet story and though x and y introduced the smallest dex i feel like quite a lot of the pokemon in the dex were good and likeable with few exceptions and plus majority of the shinies were amazing including the starters (minus froakie line) it has very few "bad" shinys and honestly the strongest shiny dex out of any region
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I see! ^^
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I love not just Pokemon XY but also ORAS and the Pokemon Amie feature along with the super training feature. Best things that's ever happened to me!
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@MajorBrendan Yep! I agree! I forgot to mention Super Training from XY, that was also good. ;D
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@AshleyGamer1995 If there be a chance for a remake of xy, a better post story episode, and upgraded versions of Pokemon Amie and Super training. Unique parameters for each stat.
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XY was great and I do agree with a lot that @UnovanZorua said, it didn't have enough time to bake. It is probably my favorite maybe cause of nostalgia but mostly cause of the story. I just wish they did the black white treatment and did a sequel.
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@Monstadash for the story, I would like to expand on who is truly the mastermind behind Team Flare.