Ladder reward changes

I really think it would help the enjoyment of the game if there was more to do than 2 challenges every 5 hours! Why not 6 smaller ones to get little small do amounts or coin amounts or even a free card here and there to then build up to the 2 rewards already given or maybe even add like a quest to follow along or something. It really just feel like a grind to play 5ish games just for 1 prize every day if you don’t buy the pass (which I did)
The game as it is feels more like just a dull simulator, very low incentive to play for more then the couple of daily quests. The Ladder gets kind of pointless after get to Arceus. Then there isn't much more to do.
More rewards as you point maybe good for new players sure, but for those that have been playing for months or years those are kind of meaningless.
The game and players would benefit much more by supporting more game modes/formats, tournments, special events, stuff similar to what the antecessor PTCGO had.
A obvious starting point would be full Expanded with ladder, then something similar to the old Theme decks or even a singleton mode similar to GLC later on.