Glitched out opponent avatar

I faced a glitched out avatar with all customisable features blank @DoubleCure
Yup, that kind of glitches have been around since beta phase... they improved it but still happens in some situations.
On a side note... this should be in TCG Live sub-forum. And btw why you tag me lol I don't have access to any privileged information like a mod, admin or dev 😅 all I can do is try to help with the knoledge I got from years playing mostly PTCG. I hope you don't expect me to help fix game glitches 😆
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lol thanks but I'm sure there are plenty of people here that have as much or more knoledge about the TCG then me, it's just a card game not rocket science.
And about the app, I didn't even migrate until the old TCG Online stop supporting the latest set at the time even tho I used this forum... but many people used the Live app way before I did.
Also during majority of 2023 and part of 2024 I completely stoped playing and stoped posting in this forum too because the game was a big mess... that's why you can see I don't have as many posts as people that came to the forum much recently.