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iPad Air 2 crashes before even starting a game

Everytime I try to configure my avatar in the introductory sequence, the app crashes. I've tried deleting and re-downloading and tried clearing the Safari history, but nothing works! Is there anything else we can do? For some reason, it actually works on an a different iPad model (10.2 version)?


  • Mod_Bee
    Mod_Bee Moderator Posts: 685 mod
    500 Comments 25 LOLs 5 Answers 25 Likes

    Hey there, @ATSAI1598. We recommend getting in touch with our support team so they can take a closer look and get this sorted out. To reach them, go to support.pokemon.com, click on the Pokémon Trading Card Game Live link, and then hit "Contact Us." Thank you!

  • PokemiiAC
    PokemiiAC Member Posts: 1,292 ✭✭✭
    1000 Comments 100 LOLs 100 Agrees 5 Answers

    @ATSAI1598 Pokemon TCG live doesn’t work on iPad. It’s a sad fact