Canceling cologne and Iron Thorns

Hey all just lost a game where Canceling cologne wasn't working as intended unless I'm misunderstanding it. I used Cancel Cologne on Iron thorns, used Radiant Greninjas Concealed Cards Ability to get a Switch, used it, and then this Iron Thorns ability was going through because it stopped me from being Able to use my Origin Forme Palkia VStar ability Star Portal. Needless to say I couldn't use it all game so I don't see why I wouldn't be able to use it when Iron Thorns Ability is down. It was a game deciding move. Could someone please elaborate on whether I misunderstood or not? Because Canceling Cologne even specifies in parenthesis (This includes Pokemon that come into play during that turn.) Which means it only works in my turn and it very well was my turn.
They announced in the next update notes this issue will be fixed (1.18.0 on September 10, 2024):
"Canceling Cologne (ASR #136): Fixed an issue where the Ability suppression effect did not affect the opponent's new Active Pokémon when brought in with effects like Boss's Orders (PAL #172)."