Counter Catcher breaks game in Sudden Death mode

Counter Catcher can be played in sudden death mode (even though obviously with one prize card per player, you cannot have more prize cards left than your opponent). When I did, the game froze and I ran out of time. The opponent won the turn after. The Counter Catcher was left in play all along, so I don't know what would've happened if I had survived for another turn.
I experienced the same bug. my logs:
Turn # 9 - Xenophoresis's Turn
Xenophoresis drew Banette ex.
Xenophoresis's Bibarel used Industrious Incisors.- Xenophoresis drew 3 cards.
• Buddy-Buddy Poffin, Basic Psychic Energy, Basic Psychic Energy
Xenophoresis played PokéStop. - Xenophoresis moved Xenophoresis's 3 cards to the discard pile.
• Xerosic's Machinations, Handheld Fan, Arezu
Xenophoresis attached Basic Psychic Energy to Bibarel on the Bench.
Xenophoresis's Dusknoir used Cursed Blast. - Xenophoresis put 13 damage counters on Xenophoresis's Drifloon.
Lukka445566's Drifloon was Knocked Out!
Xenophoresis's Dusknoir was Knocked Out! - 2 cards were discarded from Xenophoresis's Dusknoir.
• Dusclops, Duskull
Entering Sudden Death.
Lukka445566 took a Prize card.
Xenophoresis took a Prize card.
A card was added to Lukka445566's hand.
Rare Candy was added to Xenophoresis's hand.
Xenophoresis chose heads for the opening coin flip.
Xenophoresis won the coin toss.
Xenophoresis decided to go first.
Xenophoresis drew 7 cards for the opening hand.- 7 drawn cards.
• Professor's Research, Rare Candy, Banette ex, PokéStop, Xerosic's Machinations, Bidoof, Dusclops
Lukka445566 drew 7 cards for the opening hand. - 7 drawn cards.
Xenophoresis played Bidoof to the Active Spot.
Lukka445566 played Drifloon to the Active Spot.
Lukka445566 played Ralts to the Bench.
Lukka445566 played Munkidori to the Bench.
Turn # 1 - Xenophoresis's Turn
Xenophoresis drew Night Stretcher.
Xenophoresis played PokéStop to the Stadium spot.
Xenophoresis played PokéStop.- Xenophoresis moved Xenophoresis's 3 cards to the discard pile.
• Counter Catcher, Shuppet, Ultra Ball - Xenophoresis moved Xenophoresis's 2 cards to their hand.
• Counter Catcher, Ultra Ball
Xenophoresis didn't take an action in time.
Turn # 1 - Lukka445566's Turn
Lukka445566 drew a card.
Lukka445566 played Ralts to the Bench.
Lukka445566 played PokéStop.- Xenophoresis moved Xenophoresis's 3 cards to the discard pile.
• Forest Seal Stone, Basic Psychic Energy, Basic Psychic Energy
Lukka445566 attached Basic Psychic Energy to Drifloon in the Active Spot.
Lukka445566 retreated Drifloon to the Bench. - Basic Psychic Energy was discarded from Lukka445566's Drifloon.
Lukka445566's Munkidori is now in the Active Spot.
Lukka445566 ended their turn.
Turn # 2 - Xenophoresis's Turn
Xenophoresis drew Buddy-Buddy Poffin.
Xenophoresis played Ultra Ball.- Xenophoresis discarded 2 cards.
• Dusclops, Xerosic's Machinations - Xenophoresis drew Skwovet.
- Xenophoresis shuffled their deck.
Xenophoresis played Skwovet to the Bench.
Xenophoresis played Buddy-Buddy Poffin. - Xenophoresis drew Shuppet and played it to the Bench.
- Xenophoresis shuffled their deck.
Xenophoresis played PokéStop. - Xenophoresis moved Xenophoresis's 3 cards to the discard pile.
• Basic Psychic Energy, Shuppet, Counter Catcher - Xenophoresis moved Xenophoresis's Counter Catcher to their hand.
Xenophoresis ended their turn.
Turn # 2 - Lukka445566's Turn
Lukka445566 drew a card.
Lukka445566 played Mimikyu to the Bench.
Lukka445566 attached Basic Psychic Energy to Munkidori in the Active Spot.
Lukka445566 played PokéStop.- Xenophoresis moved Xenophoresis's 3 cards to the discard pile.
• Super Rod, Earthen Vessel, Arven - Xenophoresis moved Xenophoresis's 2 cards to their hand.
• Super Rod, Earthen Vessel
Lukka445566 played Earthen Vessel. - Lukka445566 discarded Basic Psychic Energy.
- Lukka445566 drew 2 cards.
• Basic Darkness Energy, Basic Psychic Energy - Lukka445566 shuffled their deck.
Lukka445566 ended their turn.
Turn # 3 - Xenophoresis's Turn
Xenophoresis drew Buddy-Buddy Poffin.
Xenophoresis evolved Shuppet to Banette ex on the Bench.
Xenophoresis played Night Stretcher.- Xenophoresis moved Xenophoresis's Basic Psychic Energy to their hand.
Xenophoresis attached Basic Psychic Energy to Bidoof in the Active Spot.
Xenophoresis retreated Bidoof to the Bench. - Basic Psychic Energy was discarded from Xenophoresis's Bidoof.
Xenophoresis's Banette ex is now in the Active Spot.
Xenophoresis played Professor's Research. - Xenophoresis discarded 4 cards.
• Rare Candy, Counter Catcher, Counter Catcher, Buddy-Buddy Poffin - Xenophoresis drew 7 cards.
• PokéStop, Buddy-Buddy Poffin, Basic Psychic Energy, Basic Psychic Energy, Handheld Fan, Basic Psychic Energy, Dusclops
Xenophoresis attached Handheld Fan to Banette ex in the Active Spot.
Xenophoresis played PokéStop. - Xenophoresis moved Xenophoresis's 3 cards to the discard pile.
• Boss's Orders, Ultra Ball, Switch - Xenophoresis moved Xenophoresis's 2 cards to their hand.
• Ultra Ball, Switch
Xenophoresis played Ultra Ball. - Xenophoresis discarded 2 cards.
• Buddy-Buddy Poffin, PokéStop - Xenophoresis drew Bibarel.
- Xenophoresis shuffled their deck.
Xenophoresis evolved Bidoof to Bibarel on the Bench.
Xenophoresis ended their turn.
Turn # 3 - Lukka445566's Turn
Lukka445566 drew a card.
Lukka445566 played PokéStop.- Xenophoresis moved Xenophoresis's 3 cards to the discard pile.
• Kirlia, Luminous Energy, Buddy-Buddy Poffin - Xenophoresis moved Xenophoresis's Buddy-Buddy Poffin to their hand.
Lukka445566 played Buddy-Buddy Poffin. - Lukka445566 drew Drifloon and played it to the Bench.
- Lukka445566 shuffled their deck.
Lukka445566 attached Basic Darkness Energy to Munkidori in the Active Spot.
Lukka445566 retreated Munkidori to the Bench. - Basic Psychic Energy was discarded from Lukka445566's Munkidori.
Lukka445566's Mimikyu is now in the Active Spot.
Lukka445566 ended their turn.
0 - Xenophoresis drew 3 cards.