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What is your alltime favorite pokemon Theme?



  • PokemiiAC
    PokemiiAC Member Posts: 1,292 ✭✭✭
    1000 Comments 100 LOLs 100 Agrees 5 Answers


  • PokemiiAC
    PokemiiAC Member Posts: 1,292 ✭✭✭
    1000 Comments 100 LOLs 100 Agrees 5 Answers

    Anyone who played this game will agreee

  • PokemiiAC
    PokemiiAC Member Posts: 1,292 ✭✭✭
    1000 Comments 100 LOLs 100 Agrees 5 Answers

    horizons theme is good too (becoming me)

  • MonstaDash
    MonstaDash Member Posts: 285 ✭✭✭
    100 Comments 25 LOLs 25 Likes 25 Agrees

    When you said theme I thought you meant storytelling theme not music theme but I will give both.

    For the storytelling theme I really did appreciate the storytelling theme they did in that one pokemon show where they did snippets of each game, specifically for gen 2. When they did that they gave dimension to the rival in gen 2 and really fleshed out his character more than in the games.

    For the music theme it was the musical theme somewhat maintained in Sword & Shield, where there was a passive musical theme maintained in the tracks (reminding me of Halo 3 ODST's stellar soundtrack as well as Halo: Reach's soundtrack, Deference for Darkness and Tip of the Spear are great examples). The music from Sword & Shield was very good compared to the game itself, with my favorite theme being the Zacian/Zamazenta battle theme.